Rugs are vital when it comes to keeping your interior decor complete. Even if a rug is merely a piece of fibrous cloth designed mainly to cover and absorb moisture, it has become a staple in interior design due to its ability to add color in a space or area. Rugs have become a soft spot when families engaged in card games and movie nights instead. However, even if rugs have become more beneficial in a home’s interior, it has also brought added maintenance dilemma.

Vacuum has become a vital way to clean as well. From floors to couches and every nook and cranny in a home. Using a vacuum to successfully do rug and carpet cleaning may bring significant difference when it comes to maintenance however even if we vacuum, rugs and carpets need to be deeply cleaned regularly. Through, you can definitely have some help from pros to clean your rug and carpets, however if you want to try and clean it yourself and leave things on your own hands, here are some tips to help you!
1. Vacuum loose dirt particles
To successfully finish cleaning a rug, the initial step is to get rid of the loose dirt particles in your rug. If you already vacuumed the front part, don’t forget the back part and vacuum it as well. This part helps in making sure that you have gotten rid of crumbs and dust in your rug.
2. Test your cleaner of choice
You have 2 ways in doing this part. First, you can opt for a cleaner that you can easily purchase in the market and simply follow the instructions that is written on the cleaner box or bottle. Second, you can opt for a solution you have at home through the use of a dish soap mixed with warm water.
3. Leave the cleaner for a duration of time
Using the cleaning solution you used, scrub your rug properly using a brush or a sponge and allow your solution of choice to sit for a duration of time before rinsing.
4. Hose it off
Rinsing is vital thus to make sure your rug is properly cleaned, hose it off until the water you see while hosing it off has become clear.
5. Squeegee
Funny name of a tool right? This tool is actually used on your windows however it specially does a great job at getting rid of the excess water in your rug. Press your window squeegee to your rug and get rid of the maximum liquid you can get from your rug. Make sure to be careful while doing the process to ensure you are not damaging your rug’s fibers.
6. Dry the rug completely
As much as rinsing is important to thoroughly clean a rug, drying is too. Lay your rug flat to let it dry and flip your rug to the other side once one side has fully dried.
7. Vacuum or brush
To make sure the fibers of your rug are not clumped together after cleaning, vacuum it to loosen to the fibers or grab a brush and comb the fibers out.
If you have a rug that is too big or too dirty to handle, make sure to call for a professional’s help to get your rug really clean!
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